I've got plenty of buyers that I've searched and searched for homes for. Unfortunately, there are times where it just doesn't work out. It's really a bummer, especially when you're driving everyday for a week, looking at every new home available. We'd submit offers at asking price, above asking price, above asking price with no contingencies and get beat out everytime. Or there would be the times where we'd actually get an offer accepted, buyer's might feel as though that home wasn't the right fit, we'd retract our offer....then they'd change their mind, lol...
Hey, it happens.
I think the biggest thing, is to trust your Realtor. You chose them for a reason, hopefully it's because you really clicked with them and trust that they'll be as honest and forth coming as possible. You believe they have your very best interest at heart. If you don't feel that way, then you'll want to RUN not WALK the other way.
You'll also want to listen to what they have to say.
It's no joke that inventory is incredibly limited. You know that part, but what you may not realize is how quickly an investor will put a cash offer in front of a seller. There are multiple offers on every house that's made available to the market. Even the serious buyers are stepping up their game and presenting their STRONGEST offers in the right away now.
I just have to say, if you see a home you like:
1. Don't think about it overnight before you put an offer (especially if it's priced lower)
2. Be sure to have up to date info (bank statements & prequal letters from lenders)
3. Don't ask for the moon and the stars...When there was a flood of homes available to the market, you could negotiate like crazy. Right now, it's really not like that. The seller's don't want to pay for your home warranty, inspections and closing costs. Don't fret though...most lender's are willing to pay closing costs through your loan by raising interests rates. With interest rates as low as they are, it's a great option!
The stronger you can make your offer, the better. If you're able to do a nice cover letter to go with that, making yourself more relatable to the sellers, that could score you some extra points too :-)
Good luck with your house hunt and if you haven't found the right agent, feel free to consider me!