Friday, March 2, 2012


Check out these great deals! If you're looking for something that's under $250k, at least 3 bedrooms or more, both single level and two level....then click the link below:

If you'd like to receive a free weekly list of homes then sign up on my site, there's no obligations, just choose the criteria that you're looking for and you'll start receiving listings.

You'll receive a courtesy call and email from, just so I can introduce myself formally. If you're already working with an agent, you can tell them you'd like a weekly list sent to you from them. I only send my list to people who are serious and will eventually need my help. So if you're a first time buyer, but not ready yet this would still be great for you. If you're an investor who needs a Realtor who's on top of her game, this would be great for you too! I'll be glad to offer my services to anyone who doesn't have a Realtor, lost touch with their old one or anyone even looking to sell their home.

email or call
951-677-1800 office
951-956-7059 direct

I'm HUGE advocate of communication, that's why all my past clients and I worked so well together!
These are my top picks in Menifee, if there's something that you'd like to check.


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